

Suicide thoughts (second chance)
Students this days don't really enjoy their life anymore. Exactly when does the things start to go wrong?  A student's life evolves around this 4 things H.E.L.P
H = Health
E = Education
L = Love
P = Passive

I can never ignore how it spells out a Help!
Students are always worried about themselves their Education what will the people think their marks their looks their life status their weight, height, skin colour their gender identity everything just needs to be perfect is what they think  while growing up honestly speaking is what the people around them make them think

Love, have you ever experienced love, that thing is the biggest problem in here cheating ,  betraying , break ups , patch up
Every thing just keeps on repeating like a errored screen of an old t.v if you aren't smart enough to start an Healthy relationship just quit it for a while no one can judge what your decision is .

Passive, do you know what being passive means not reacting visibly to something that might be expected to produce manifestations of an emotion or feeling.
Students don't really show emotions they are supposed to at this times of their age either, every one is just chasing after the same thing perfection in something not knowing the secrets of life we try to find it but what if the thing you have been finding never existed in the first place.........
that's what makes the suicide thoughts occur.

( Make sure you never suffer from this because every one should have a second chance at life sorry for any grammatical errors and spelling mistakes)

© Nirjala lobhi