


There, I sat
Watching her on the bridge
She seemed to be weak
Maybe, sad

I noticed that,
From the way that
she walked on the bridge
Both legs shook in fear

I felt I could be of help
But on a second thought
I just had to stare
And be sure I thought right

Then I heard a crack.
Could it be at the bridge?
My heart skipped
I hope she is safe

I prayed
Looking again at the bridge
She was on the ground
I felt her pain

The bridge had fallen
Pushing her to the ground
I made a decision
Help, I would give

And help, I gave
I walked up to her
"Take my hand
I can get you out"

I stretched out my hand
She looked at me
The tears streaming down,
Her face red as pepper

"Thank you"
She held my hand
And up, I lifted her
I helped a friend.

We rise by lifting others. Help a friend today.

© feliinspiremyworld