

Why Worry?
"If wishes were horses
Even the poor would
Have rode on them"
Said: Shake speare

"If worries were riches
Musk, Gate, Berzzus
Won't pitch fit with I"
Said: Napoleon

Why worry?
When it can't add
To your; past, present
And tomorrow!!!

Worry takes away
Your peace for restiveness
Charming looks for weariness,
Then why worry?

Mcbeth has murder sleep!
He can no longer sleep!
Lady Mcbeth sleeps in death.
Cos Mcbeth murdered sleep. . .

Worry is murdering sleeping!
You may end like Lady Mcbeth
Or become Mcbeth too!
Cos you can't sleep but worry.

I know a man
Who murdered worry
On the Cross He died
And gave me rest! rest! rest!

Why worry?
Just accept Christ Jesus
And worry would be Murdered
So you could be free like me.

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