

Just like my emoji smiling
So do destruction smile at that brave man
Always ready to attack but lack strategies
Think so your enemies don’t think for you
The enemy is you; the enemy is ignorance
Take a deep breath, see that gentle Mr. within
Too gentle that he barely talk

A calm mind and a serene atmosphere are all he desires
A World filled with eager fellas
Eager for nothingness while emotions take charge
Clouded emotions just as ignorance dwells there
Feelings and ignorance are sometimes partners
They’re tricky like that seductive woman
Run from her doors just like Proverbs 5 advice

I'm wondering how many times will I die
As much as knowledge takes vengeance on my ignorance
While I resurrect, I find myself alone
Who else could see my grave…
I alone cause nothing shall die with me 🙂

© King Christen