

All the lies don't add up
All the truth coming up broken
Dreams lay shattered on the floor
Promise withering away from reality
The book has come to a pause
Memories becoming a nightmare
As tears wash the inks on the pages
Was it worth it all?
Heart caught in between tough decisions
The mind begging to let go
Heart searching for ropes of hope to hang on
Days become longer with insecurities
Nights filled with terrors of dark monsters of memory
The body left empty
As the soul threatens to fade
Evidence cuts deeper each time
The wounds bleeds each drop of blood
Time is running out
The sands of time turning
The heart beats less with each spill of blood
The end is about to come
Trapped between hanging on and letting go
Pain has bruised beyond repair
What am I supposed to do?
Where am I supposed to go
When all my heart wants is you
One more chance one last try
Painfully grasping for straws or hope
Sit with me and tell me what the stars say
Our Destiny lies in the palm of your hands
Our fate tied to the ink of your life
Each value and love thread lies broken Can love stitch each piece together still
Or the dreams be mended alone for all eternity

© JLSK9132