

Alone in a crowded room, 😔
Surrounded by laughter and cheer, 😊
Yet feeling a void deep within, 😢
Aching heart, no one can hear. 💔

Amidst the chatter and the noise, 🗣️
I'm lost in my solitude, 🌌
Yearning for a genuine connection, 💔
But finding only platitudes. 😔

The surrounding smiles are masks, 😊
Hiding the loneliness we share, 😔
We all crave a meaningful touch, 💔
But pretend like we don't care

But the conversations remain shallow, 😔
Superficial and insincere, 😔
I long for a deep connection, 💔
One that's genuine and clear. 😊

So I sit here, alone in a crowded room, 😔
Yearning for a true connection, 😢
Hoping that one day, someone will see, 😊
The loneliness in my reflection. 💔
© Shaesta