

Nickname~~ (Pt. 2)
The insecurities continued to haunt you
That for some time now, you thought 'Maybe they're right'
Maybe that nickname is all you are
Maybe that's really, all there is to sight

'What a hard headed and stubborn girl'
Because there's no denying you still had hope
Every time you clench your hand tight
Gambling your faith around that thin endless rope

It's not confidence, it's not optimism,
Audacity, or any kind of stupidity
Everything is all about this one question,
'Is it too hard to find someone who can see the real me?'

Your hair flew with the passing gush of wind
The surrounding becoming even more silent,
But this time it's not because of the butterflies on your stomach
Or his usual captivating smile that leaves you on silence

You bow down your head, ready to leave
The embarrassment made it hard for you to stare at his
But then, a cold hand suddenly stopped you,
'Is there something that I had missed?'

Confusion became visible in your eyes
Then he starts moving his lips staring directly at you,
'I'm sorry, you're just too cute to tease'
Your face displayed the brightest blush, as your eyes grew

The sound of his laughter filled the air,
You stutter as you try to stop him,
But your voice came as a silent noise,
Maybe things are not always as it seem

Then he became silent,
One second and he became serious in your eye
And the next thing that came out of his mouth,
In your ears, sounded like a big lie

'I like you'
You heard your friends screamed at the side
Like a bomb ready to explode,
It makes you want to run and hide.

Your mouth opened but nothing came out,
Nothing came inside your head
And when you thought you found your voice,
He stopped you and said,

'I know it might not be what you expected,
But your nickname doesn't define who you are. You're more than words,
And I value the person you truly are.'

© @addxtedme