

Living life like a walking corpse
Ten Lepers clothed in rags and shame
Saw Jesus ahead in the distance
And eagerly shouted his name.
They asked for mercy - a miracle cure
Was granted,for the faith they showed,
And as they walked to meet their priest
Their health returned on the road.

One turned back, he was so overjoyed,
His gratitude he had to convey
To his Father in heaven,high above,
And to his Lord from that very day.
But Jesus was puzzled as to why
Only one Leper felt compelled
To express gratitude to his face -
Only this Samaritan's heart swelled.

We too may feel like an outcast,
Crippled by the cruel trials of life.
Still, because of gratitude for Jesus,
He's promised to end all strife;
This miracle is soon to be,
For now we imitate the life he led.
Remember, Jesus loves you dearly,
For you, his precious blood was shed.

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