

Dear Past Self
Child let me hold you,
I know you hurt,
I know his hands had bruised and broken us,
he wont hurt us no further.

Your broken heart will heal from wounded whispers that shatter our morale.

I know loniness possesed our heart and mind,
I know all we wanted was his love and gentle touch.

I know...

What we discover along the broken road,
that we have struggled to overcome is...

our god was always there,
he was there when a person said a kind word,
he was there when hugs were given,
he was there to help us fight,
he was there when we shed tears,
God loves us even when he seems he's not there.

We are children of god!
He has turned us from a broken diamond,
to a diamond beaming with goodness.

You do not need to fear,
the murky myst in your eyes will fade.
A light will radiate and burst from your soul,
you will have an unconditional love,
an undertsanding to those who share the same dark myst.

And we show them love,
the same love God showed us.

We have all suffered, even God himself.
He needs us to show christlike love to others,
so they can feel HIS love.

He works through us to uplift others.
We became strong together,
because of Him.
We became humble when we learn of him,
He is our healer,
He is the hand we grab,
that lifts us from drowning sorrows,

Fear no more,
for we both are now free from the tragic past ,
that brought bruises and false words.
We are free,
because we turned our heart to Him,
and now we are healed!