

RedSplash - Blood Donation Amateur
#RedSplash app makes life saving easier.

To you, RedSplash, an amateur to the world.
An ancient Greek ink made from the splashes of paint circulated in the body of a mammal,
cooling to aggravate energy in a patients vein.
You have made life saving easier for the vulnerable and the poor, who have now ceased to lie on the span of endless bankruptcy.
An engraver that engulfed grandma's minute mind.

You are a spectacle of a hero that flows through the crannies of the world when extrinsic and exotic materials extraneously extruded the pipes of the people.
Because of you, patients recovered from their attempted endless sleep, victims now clad with RedSplash attires,doctors now smile at the verge of your wonders.

You entwined the world and people living in it on the safety side with the ingestion of your colourful cocacola refreshment.
Life rewarded you when you defeated death on his sick bed.
A joyful and mesmerizing iota of placards waving with the blood of the life savers.
In your name, sprinkles of red blood splashes on healthy faces with sparkles of relief.
RedSplash supporters danced with stroke victims in isometric moves.
They now suffer the wrath of enthusiasm.

What irked me most was your absence in hospitals when healthy beings denied your act of donation to helpless people on sick beds.
I had a Jehovah Witness friend who left her helpless mother gasping for blood to survive.
But why was that so? It's because I came late, yes the woman kissed the earth after you came.
Unlike grandma,you splashed the plentiful red in her old body. Hmmmm!
That's why you have emerged as a savior.

Blood donation, a way to save lives.
I call it blood transfusion, the trait to birth new ones.
Human life matters.
Meek children who crawled for blood now swim in the red sea.
You have domineered over sickness canker with the overflow of blood, rippling across the globe.
RedSplash app makes life saving easier
You are an amateur.
People have been overdosed by your kindness. They are sources of amateurs that downloaded the app and donated the splashes to the world.
I laugh in smiles, I say the world got you.
RedSplash app makes life saving easier, the world found you!

© K.Asare-Bediako