

Don't twist your tongue,
When you are questioned,
Don't blind your eyes,
On every mistake you've made,
Don't deafen your ears
On every mistake you have drawn,
Don't sneer at your lips
When you are showered with a million pieces of advice,
Don't try to steal opportunities,
At every weakness of the people,
Don't spread prejudices,
On every single line of the truth,
Don't lean your weaknesses,
On people's shoulders just only,
You want to fix it,
On every single line of weakness you have done,
Don't point your finger at others,
Without looking up at them,
Whether they feel guilty or not,
Never use your tongue,
To spread your slanderous words,
On your family, relatives and on your friends,
Because the word ‘DON'T'
Will give you a thousand meanings in awareness,
That will gives you a high self-worth,
Just a reminder ..
© Precious Hope