

Find The Death
I don't want to miss you,
I feel serendipity finding you,
This has been the best gift someone can ever feel,
The words are written on my heart veins,
The blood flows like some some river which overflowed,
I have a word to say but does that makes me insane,
I love you my heart beats melancholy,
Thinking you would reject me,
I had to pierce a needle down my bloodstream,
Now enough i had to scream,
Now in my shower with a blade in my hand will it kill me is upto my dying desire,
I have waited long for this movement the suicide is a another revealing,
How much i loved her,
It feels like this feeling was born prior,
I think it was in me since i was eight a child,
Waiting as a suspect for this trial,
Will they hang me or not but i have a death desire,
You know love will rip you apart,
But i thought she might sew my heart,
I was bearing the pain,
The night left me cold with no clothes,
I was on a scaffold,
The verdict came as death row,
Bye to this soul,
Even my head rolled to see her face,
It is when i died,
The angel asked why you rolled was it not enough,
My cut off head smiled,
This was the love i aspire,
Will it be possible if my death is quiet,
Because i want her to keep smiling,
Will i ruin the mood by dying,
Please keep her away from me,
As i want to be gone forever,
And come back never ever.

© Shafi