

my son
Sadness overcomes my heart and soul
the pain and anger in you take control
knowing how much your hurt inside
as this guilt rushes over me like a huge rip tide
the damaged I've caused you as a child growing up
I know that saying sorry just isn't enough
I wish I could have been a better mother for you
because now I see how much pain I have caused you
I know I can't make up for the times I have lost
and son just know that this also hurts me alot
your still my little boy and always will be
and I can't watch you live this life drinking
scares the hell outta me because I'm not by yourside
I don't want this to be the way you die
your so smart and full 9f so much potential
your also loved by so many people
I need you 8n my life more then youl. know
because with out you my son
I'll lose my heart and soul
I love you .

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