

You'll... Forever be My Best Friend
''Snow's falling, it's gonna be cold...'', you say
"You're right!!I think I should be on my way"
But you never asked me to leave
I now understand
All you wanted was to spend some more time with me.

'I' on the road, walking on the sidewalk
You at the other end, waving 'Good-Bye'
And I just waved back
For now I understand
That no one says 'Good-Bye'
Unless and Until they again want to say you

I walked and walked, the snow started to fall
The street lights crinkling, the night's about to fall
A I look back, just to see if you were still there
And there you were, holding I guess
A bouquet of flowers for me.

That goofy grin on your face
That twinkling little eyes
One arm wide open, the other waving hi
And I just stared and stared
Thinking about running back to you again
"But I Can't", I said to myself
I turned back, away from you
And I then felt the Pain
That was wrecking both me and you
And so Yeah, That is the end.
And I'm sure that you'll...Forever be
My Best Friend...