

the bond
Lovingly we start, our hearts entwined so tight
Overcoming obstacles, in our shared night
Victorious we stand, against the odds we fight
Every day a challenge, yet our bond stays light.

Tangled in a dance, of passion and of pain
Heartbeats sync in rhythm, in love's sweet refrain
Eternally we struggle, but it's not in vain.

Striving for connection, through the storm and rain

The bond we share, a balm for every strain
Renewed by love, we rise from the ashes again.

Underneath the stars, we whisper our desires
Gazing into eyes, that kindle our fires
Gently we entwine, as the moon retires.

Glowing with the dawn, our love never tires
Love's struggle is a journey, that truly inspires
Every day a testament, to love that never expires.

Fighting for us, our love story we pen
In every line, our love we defend
Gritty and real, yet tender to the end.

Hopeful in our struggle, love's message we send
To stay untied, on each other we depend
Fierce in our love, all barriers we transcend.

In the dance of love, we gracefully bend
Glowing with joy, love's energy we lend
Holding on tight, love's bond we commend.

To stay untied, love's rules we amend
On love's battlefield, our hearts we tend
Our bond of love, we'll forever defend.

Stay in love, let your hearts blend
To the struggle, a smile we send
And in the end, love will ascend.