

Innocent laughter and carefree days
Running wild through the fields and the maze
Oh, what joy it was to be a child
With not a worry, not a care, so mild

Exploring the world with curious eyes
Every discovery, a sweet surprise
The world was our playground, full of fun
Beneath the bright and shining sun

We had no concept of time or age
Our imaginations were boundless on stage
We could be astronauts, pirates, or kings
With our dreams taking flight on colorful wings

The simplest of things brought us delight
A gentle breeze, a starry night
We found magic in every little thing
And oh, the joy that it would bring

We danced in the rain and jumped in puddles
Our energy endless, never any struggles
Our hearts were pure, our spirits free
In our childhood, we were truly happy

But as time passed, we grew up fast
Childhood memories, forever they'll last
Though we may have left those days behind
In our hearts, our inner child we'll always find

So let us cherish those carefree years
And hold on to the memories, so dear
For in our childhood, we were truly blessed
With love, laughter, and endless zest.

© nusrataijazlaway