

Still Thriving Beyond Surviving !
Still thriving. Beyond surviving. Not from wealth. But, spirit, heart, body, mind, stealth. Keeping negativity. Away from internalizing. From birth is worth. Spirit, heart, body, mind, girth. Not from society telling and yelling. Propaganda. For dispelling. Yes, I satellite see. Broadcasting my personality. Three dimensions. Spirit, heart, body. Mentions. Without tensions. Creating my legacy. Paying retirement pensions. Extending, tending to be trending. By inspire of desire. Sending, tending, blending. To where. Some are commending. But, celebrity. Doesn't motivate me. Sincerely. Just being personality me and uplifting, gifting. Positively, shifting and sifting. Without rifting, or thrifting. Not contriving. Still thriving. Beyond surviving. Forward driving, arriving. Like bees, "hiving ". Anything less. Is, "taking a dive ". Making haters of you. Thrill. Heart fill. Having made you. Their, "poster person ", kill. By taking your will. Remotely. When, only you. Decide that vote. In spirit, heart, mind, body. Got me?