

~D E A T H~
Who are we to fight against Death?
Let it fight for us because,
Death accepts everyone,
Every caste, creed, race.
It accepts the lovers, the defenders, the necromancers, the evil scientists or the dictators the same way.

So why do we pour everything into fighting it, denying it,
adoring every desperate scrap of strength and will and brilliance and raw determination to undermine its magnanimity?

However hard we try, it will catch up on us and brace us in its cloak when we are done struggling!
Who are we to hasten death's domain?
Who are we to deny Death it's time and place?
Who are we to cut short these vital glories that illuminate it so?

Who are we to call and presume that death of all beings, should obey?

Understand this,
Death will fight for you, and defend you.
Who will place its hands upon those who would speed you to its embrace,
Who has no need to rush you,
Only to greet you when you call.

A death who is kind
And fair and patient
And before all and above all
Who is inevitable.

© DM.