

The Not It Girl
I am done with "relationships" because love has become a fallacy, a burden, a fear, that no matter how much I desire it; I have accepted that I am regret; the plan B you take when you don't want a good time to turn into commitment. I am not the girl that gets the guy. I am the girl who watches everyone get what she has always wanted while she paints a smile on and tells them all how happy she is for them and she is; because despite never having been loved, she can't deny the beauty that love exudes. She can't begrudge any one of the joy that never comes for her; to be seen, to be chosen, to be loved. She will stay in the lane the world has created for her; the friend in the zone who hides just how much she feels alone. She is wrapped in humor and cigarette ashes that get tossed out each night, disposable like the pack they came from until she loses her fight. She chokes down her hope with every breath she takes and no matter how much it means to her they never see all the shatters and breaks, each time she is reminded that she is the NOT it girl.

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