

Where are the manners from "1983"
the please & thank yous
were my, normality.
I'm worried we have raised a
selfish society.
Bumping into you while texting
on their phones, never looking
back to see, if any harm was
done to me.
We all had an opinion & had a say,
if you didn't agree, you weren't offended and simple turned & walked away.
It's so easy to be a bully, hiding behind
a screen, cruel.words you bleep out
in the darkness with no humility.
Stop placing your vital energy,
gifting it away. To those who taunt
& bait you, it's just a fun game
that they like to play.
There's no need to have 1000 follower's
hanging on your every word.
Trust your friends and family, speaking encouraging words. This comes
from a rich place in history built on
love & scars.
A connection this deep & timeless,
they know who you truly are.
So come now & experience a bit
of "1983"
It's simple, we will start with
turning of your technology.

© Alexander