

Trusting Faith
Write a poem about truth and if the truth that has been told to us can be trusted.

The truth has multiple layers curiosity uncertainty never believing. Truth has a vacillating size, seen intuitively stretching beyond the desperation of lies. Sometimes truth could be imagined as a picket fense, safeguarding everything within, accessable to strange ideas lurking around. How trusting are you really seeing a face that smiles, when shadows of unsubstantiated truth, maybe frowning inside. Why should anyone pretend what's perceived as truth when the expiration date, seems to be stamped upon gullible lives.The truth is far-reaching, it has to be received in multiple stages if you can. Do not tolerate truth that some say is manufactured by the receptions of the unwise.Therefore, one should faithfully trust scriptures written for those. Who delights in infusing deceptions when their hidden lies are increasingly exposed, without real truth. How can you rely on the principles of truth, when suspicious eyes are staring at you. That's when faith and truth descends from a higher source. Beyond the skyline perceived to be an unheard voice. Becoming alive on biblical text there the truth can be found in chapters separating multiple lines, written as a specific verse. Truth becomes real, when faithful principles are shared. Imagined and talked about. Studied with intuitive eyes. Meanwhile, used as a documented principle lived throughout life. Trusting faith.
© Daniel Mason