

Is it so wrong to have darkness absorb me?
Bring me to the ends of the earth and I think about that experience
I write about it
It brings me joy watching such tragedy
But sometimes it brings me only sadness and gloom
But it's good to be able to feel
And yet I feel constantly judged
I'm supposed to be the light, beautifully pure soul that everyone assumes me to be
But who am I without the bad?
Without the gut wretching fictional stories
And the near death those characters experience
Who would I be if not for those shows and books
Without that imagination
It is how I became a writer
I simply saw those stories and thought more about the philosophy the author had
I let the darkness consume me for a glimsp to see the fantastic dread that that person has illustrated through the ink
I become inspired by such a beautifully tragic ending
And make my own stories
And as I grow older
More accustomed to such shadows
I become immune to the shade the world brings upon us
While Everyone becomes confused and frantic,
I am used to it so I only thrive within the chaos
Sometimes I imagine myself in those worlds
See how I'd fair
Whether I would live or succumb to the dread of death
So who am I to give up on those morals?
To give up on that philosophy?
It has changed me for the better and for the worst
But it is apart of my person now
So trying to destory that part of me would be mad.

© Tannni