

"WOMAN'S DAY"writcoPeomChallenge
Her eyes gleamed with the light 
Of her inner strength,
She had walked miles,
Not worried about the length,

Gasping for some Air
kept walking down the street
As your minds and thoughts
gone BLANK..

Stopped at a resting Bench
sour feet, arms and legs..
need to STRETCH..
Long day for a walk to clear
your MIND & Stress...

LOST of distractions
and time that you
REALIZED that your nowhere near home..

from the start to the END..
clockwise Tik-Tok Tik-Tok..
TIME is ticking..
sunrise now is Drifting..,

As I walk back to wear I started
So gloomy..

Long walks and the rumbling
against your tummy
Stop and Rest, feeling dizzy
A healthy SNACKS and drinks
Will boost your ENERGY..
safety back to your,
HOME....feeling good and energized

Quotes: I do alot of walking because I have Diabetes type 2 and it helps me
lower down my sugar and boost my

writcoPeomChallenge.."WOMAN'S Day" by Maryjean Herrera of March 22, 2020