

The Hate U Give THUG The Hustle of the Uncertain Grind
Thug what is the pic u paint of Thugs well most of people think Thug a white beater in a wife beater a total piece of shi right a person who shoot for no reason right some 1 who is a menace to society right wrong Thug is a way of living that u r forced into as a kid to pay for food when none is present Thug mean a lot of thangs not what the media projects an makes it seem The Hate U give is Thug mean tge Hate u have seen ya whole life growing up in the streets uzi mac 10 ak47 tarus pt 911 Tommy no Hilfiger m16z an what not means that the Hate u show is seen by tge youngish in the game it also means that a certain abuse of Power show by some 1s skin or orientation aka a pig being racist then the hustle of tge Uncertain Grind mean if u choose the game to fit in it will back fire a 100 rounds at ya me I've live the game since I was 7 but now a day alot of people doing it like it ain't shit why I don't get but only thang they'll find is heart ache by the holow tips all they'll find is a life with qau but alone if they make it put an shit but as soon as they exposed the game a take ya out cause u can't fake it till u make it in this game that can't be played with untill its game over or game on basically a fucked up trick unless u make it to the top without being cot am emotionalless game that will take every thang u love an Hate except the money if the pain don't take ya if u survive the jungle of the streets u will be set cash wise and that's all to be said I'm bored an depressed a bit today I guess it ain't BET