

It's contempt prior to investigation
Because I would rather just assume
But I don't know it all
I'm not the smartest in the room
I'm short a couple fries
And my Happy Meals sad
Thought that I could be a man
But couldn't be a dad
You don't know what you got
Untill it's something that you lose
Addiction is a brain disease
I didn't get to choose
If I ingest a substance
I transform, it makes me sick
And everything I have obtained
I'll throw into a ditch
I'll burn the house down to the ground
And leave all my possessions
But you don't have to live that way
Please use me as a lesson
I pray that you will heed my words
The waters don't need testing
The fact that I'm alive and well
Is what I call a blessing
Don't put all your eggs in one basket
Because life is gonna happen
To be alive is a gift
Today is the present that doesn't need wrapping
The book is no where near the end
I'll thicken up the plot
The way I feel inside
I will not hide it with a shot
Some people think I'll use again
I'm telling you I'm not
I'm never giving up this fight
Because love is what I got

© 2023 Stephen George