

God Bless America
I pledge allegiance
To the flag
Of the Untied States of America
And the autocratic republic
For which it stands
One divided nation
Under no God
For liberty and injustice
For all

Bullets rattle in our pockets like loose change
And liquor is liquid courage
We have semiautomatic killing machines at our fingertips
And fathers see the bottom of shot glasses more than their own children

Xavier 10
John 13
Mary 15
Mark 4

Funny how their names sound like Bible verses
The number one cause of death for children in America is gun violence

God Bless America

I see people with signs that read "God Hates gays"
The world is up in flames outside of my window
Homeless lay on the cracked sidewalks begging for their next intake of air
Drug addicts shoot up with rusty needles

God Bless America

Your God hates gays
Your God is 5'7 and weighs 276lbs
Your God tattoos slurs on the inside of his lips
So he can always have them on the tip of his tongue
Your God is an antisemitic, love hating, cruel, power hungry man

I don't believe in that God
I live in a country that was built on ethical questions

My God is beautiful

They have long arms all the more to welcome you with
They are loving and accepting
They are kind
They don't know hate

God Bless America

With Her twisted ideals
And Her political injustice
And Her violence
Her cruelty
Her addiction
Her hate
And Her lands of the Free