


He asked about the person
Whom he hadn’t seen in years
“Mom, when will dad return back?”
I replied, “Soon, my child.”
Then, asked to myself, “Will he return?”
After waiting forever and a day,
My poor kid again asked
“Mom, when will he return back?”
And I again said soon, without knowing
How much time does soon takes
While crossing the road, my little one asked,
“Mom, when will dad return back?”
And I once more was going to spit out soon when
A car came and crushed my child beneath it
The blood splashed over me
Then the red-cross truck came
And took my bloody kid away from me
The Man, after soon, he arrived
But, the lad never came back to greet him.

#poem #poet #poetry #writer #write #soon #feeling #Relation #hopes

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