

Nature's Serene Moment

Amidst the sprawling fields of green,
I found a moment so serene,
The sun was setting in the west,
Painting the sky in shades of red.

The trees swayed gently in the breeze,
Birds chirped their evening melodies,
A symphony of nature's sound,
A moment so profound.

The wind danced on my face so light,
As I closed my eyes and felt its might,
It took me to a far-off land,
Where life was simple and nothing was grand.

I stood there for a little while,
In awe of nature's splendid style,
And felt a sense of peace and calm,
As if I was in a soothing balm.

The colors of the sky were fading away,
As the sun bid goodbye for the day,
But the moment stayed with me,
Etched in my memory for eternity.

For in that moment, I found my place,
In the embrace of nature's grace,
And felt a deep sense of belonging,
A feeling so pure and heartwarming.

© S.A.Behera's