

She talks in poetry
I met a girl,
She talks in poetry.
You'll ask her about the day,
She'll recite about the gloomy phase,
The bits that made it peachy grey,
How it happened to be a fiery red
with hints of yellow sparkling away.

I met a girl,
She talks in poetry,
You'll ask her about life,
And she'll decipher it in rhythmic way.
She'll tell you about the mundane hopes.
The passion, the nuances of breathing alone.

I met this girl,
Such a mysterious one,
She'll talk about the simplistic things
And phrase them with serenity.
The simple love,
Would then, become alive.
Something you'd wish for.
But it exists,
In her poetic mind.

She talks in poetry,
And make everything normal into
an exhilarating tale of time.


© she_writes