

Cure Of Music
Dear readers, this is the true story, which my mom told me, when I was , a 10 years old kid. So I am sharing this story of a music in a form of poetry:

The boy is standing still,
For his newborn brother,
Had stopped responding.

His parent bore tears,
In their eyes,
Requesting the doctor,
To allow his elder brother,
At once to say,
His Newborn brother,
Good bye!!!
Finally, the request granted,
The time stopped,
when the boy watched his,
brother's close death,
The beeping of pulse,.
was too low,
That there was no hope,
To get him back anymore.

Then the boy, sang that song,
Which he used to sing,
When the boy was waiting,
To come.
Then this miracles happened,
The body respond a bit,
And the eyes opened,
With a loud cry,
Make everyone,
a relief and a beautiful

This is the magic of music,
The only cure,
When all the medicines,
Are failed to,

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