

life gifts love, love u know......... ch 1
I am alive because of ur attention,
Without you i lost my passion,
You are my besty give me best decision,,,,
Were to go what to do, i have no intention,
But i realise this is pure and perfect relation,,,,
Being rich your family pays no attention,,,
And know my mind is full with confusion,,
Know what i am diong is not what i want to do is routine of confusion,,,,,
Know it was becoming a damn relation,,,
I was surpassed to get relaxed, but know my relation is getting vanished,,,
I realised people can't love you,, they can only play with your emotion,,,,
Time has broken here, better connected heart relation,,,
Good and bad happenings are the ways of getting experience,,
Never prefer anyones preference,,,
Do what will tell you, your guirdiance,,,
This will show your attitude and will get refference,,,
Just forget and do your best life performance.,,,
You will get on time best relation,, you do yours i do mine,,, life is lesson be your teacher,, and get promotion.................... Here after in next poem ch 2
© pir zaroon noorani