

Health is Wealth
Your health is your wealth
My mother always told me, eat your carrots, it's good for your eyes, next to some peas with a big junk of rice.

Oh how my thoughts often drift off, Imagining a nice piece of Kentucky Fry Chicken or Hamburger with French Fries at side, and just ignoring those passing by and saying hi.

Your health is your wealth
These words just, kept coming back at me. But I just couldn't wait, until no one was awake, to take a slice of this BIG chocolate cake.

Years pass by, where I can work and eat as I please. Who needs a good home cooked meal, when I can get a Discount on any meal.

But as time goes by or as I'm getting slower. Oh, how I wish, I was some size lower cause now I have to be in gym lifting some weights to trim my waist.

You're Health is your wealth.
Words I taught I'll never have to hear, cause I didn't care. Just wanted to be free and eat as I please with no fear.

Now, from a size 28 to 58. Oh my, you could just imagine my state.
If only I listen to those voices, wouldn't be here today taking so many doses.

You're Health is your wealth.
It simply means, being healthy is more important than being rich. So please, let's live a healthy life and avoid getting any stitches. That may have us casting many wishes.

© Kevin S, Daniel