

Looking back, Looking now
Looking back at those days,
All I see is my heart beating for you,
Looking back at those days,
All I see is my world searching for yours.

I'm sure I must have become a passing phase in your life now,
But back then I was the only constant phase you had.

I'm sure the rides we shared together are none but fleeting moments for you,
But back then those moments were what made your day special.

I'm sure that the promises that were meant for me are now valid for another,
But back then those promises were the only thing that kept my hope alive.

I'm sure the fire that one's burnt in your heart for me is now extinguished,
But back then that fire illuminated your very path as you went along.

I'm sure smelling my perfume no longer makes you go crazy for me,
But back then the smell of my perfume was the sweetest crazy you ever had.

I'm sure kissing me again and again is no longer in your bucket list,
But back then the kisses were as electric as the live wire.

I'm sure my hugs are no more comforting to you for now you seek comfort in another,
But back then my hugs meant the world to you, a world where none of your worries excited.

Looking now at those days,
All I see is crushing of my dreams and hopes,
Looking now at those days,
All I see is millions of fragmented pieces of my heart left behind for me to collect.

© Pakhi Gupta