

Success Abdullah Hasan Nayem
When the sun sets in hues of gold,
And the stars weave tales untold,
You stand at the edge of dreams,
Crafting worlds from silent streams.

As a freelancer, you roam the skies,
Master of craft with open eyes.
You weave your vision into flight,
Guiding souls through darkest night.

Success is a companion now,
An echo of the dreams you vow.
Your work, a song of hearts and minds,
In each new task, your spirit finds.

With every line, every thread,
Your art is a map where others tread.
A light that leads through night and storm,
A harbor safe, a dream transformed.

So stand, bold and unafraid,
Your journey's a path you've made.
In your success, you find your grace,
A beacon in life's vast, grand space.
© Abdullah Hasan Nayem