

An event that sometimes I faintly remember,
Was exciting to waver as and when I was player;
Running was I, around, like a cart,
In a sport that happened, in the month of march.

People so joyous and waving around,
Moving in a way like waves round and round;
Happy and cheery then filled with tears,
The game that they saw was of a hockey player.

Moved by his strength people yelled a lot,
Skipped their blink for the catch of his plot;
Even winds would slow, to watch him play,
The manner he played was swift and great.

A breath of sigh runs on his face,
When he shot the last goal with a great sway;
Imprinted on my mind the day that happened,
Was shiny, yet cloudy, the brilliance of march;
That made me since then, a super-duperstar.

© skp9