

withered flowers
a garden of memories, I stumbled upon a sight,
Withered flowers scattered, their colors no longer bright.
But as I gazed upon them, a thought came to my mind,
Love, like these flowers, can be withered, yet still kind.

Once, those flowers bloomed, vibrant and full of life,
Their beauty captivating, banishing all strife.
But as time went by, their petals began to fade,
Yet love's flame burned strong, never to be swayed.

Just like those withered flowers, love may face its test,
Through hardships and challenges, it stands the ultimate quest.
For love can endure, even when all seems lost,
And bloom again, defying the tempest's frost.

Though the petals may fall, love's essence remains,
A fragrance that lingers, dispelling all pains.
Just as withered flowers hold a beauty untold,
Love's strength endures, more precious than gold.

So let us cherish love, like those flowers in decay,
For it has the power to brighten even the darkest day.
And may we remember, in every passing hour,
That love, like withered flowers, has an everlasting power.

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