

Invisible, sometimes I don't want to be seen
Sometimes I don't want to see
Sometimes I don't want to be

Don't see what I'm scared about
Don't see what I'm trying to hide
Don't see my fears
Don't see my tears
Just don't look at me

Invisible, I don't even look in the mirror anymore because I don't like what I see
That's the worst part because when you don't see yourself, you also forget to see the good in yourself

And the people that actually do see you, are the ones that see right through you and can't even tell how you're feeling

But you push through
You put on your superhero suit
You become that person people think you are
Living in a world of fake it until to you make it
At least that's how I used to be

Invisible no longer
Trying everyday to see myself
See the person I want to be
Remembering the person I used to be

Looking in the mirror, looking at me
Looking back at her, screaming SEE ME
I say "See me flaws and all, see me beauty and tall
See me, bright and calm
See me sexy and fierce
See me and when I look back at her I say

© msdg