

The midget of hope it was
Enough to enkindle the desire
Lives and futures sacrificed for the cause
Salute to one's who helped acquire...

The tricolor of the flag that embraced the wind
The meaning behind every stake and win
A minute or two stand up and remind-
Oneself to salute the fighters akin...

Thinking old one ought not to forget
The warriors of now who stand upright and smart
Decades then, years forth, the beautiful vignette
The struggle for it has a lot to impart...

Freedom, a precious word, to people likewise
A single word with numerous tales behind
One identity, one nation, we harmonize
Salute to warriors of then and now combined...

Independence day, it is, a day of our glory
Patriotism and devotion be the feat
Every single day remember the brief story
The value of Hind be the forever upbeat...

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