

Ship Wreckage
How many secrets will I
take to my grave,
I try to rid life
But I'm late,

I get high;
Claiming the night waits,
Fighting for what fright takes,
Now I sit by ;

This ship wreckage,
Still haven't learned this lesson,
In love with Mrs. Depression,

Oh.. Oh.. Oh..

I'm so alone.. 'Lone.. Lone;

In this spiteful world,
I lost a delightful girl ,
Lost in this moment,
Lost in time,
Lost in her last recital twirl ,

Life's a capsule;
And I decided to close it,
Life grinds my gears;
And twists my axels,

Walking in these shackles;
I'm my own opponent,
And he's near;
to ruining his life,

© MattTheOneAndOnly