

Perseverance is one and long word that have the core value of our existence.

Many hustling husking of life, trying to push myself to have a mark of burden of success around my arms.

The running away from home,
My chasing of shadow, calling it my destiny that turn to my worst nightmare.
My sleepiness night in the street trying to be something that I never were.
Melanin myself out from my comfort zone in search of self worth that have turn me into the worst blind human on earth, because lake of knowledge

Working tiredly on the scotch of the hot sun that shine on the east as if am already in hell just to have success written in my name.
When I finally found purpose that i was born to write, i took my pen and book the first encouragement I got from my people, your a failure are you going to use these to put food on your table,
What a critic to my soul my serendipity turn to anguish moment, until I understand the secret of perseverance that is
persistence in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success. I use it as a tool to convert critics to stepping stone towards greatness.

Copyright destiny m o Chijioke
© destiny m o Chijioke