

November Death
Phone rings, all I hear are the
frantic screams. I can't make out 
many words but I felt fear, i could hear the tears from the other side. 
I know now this is real. My body is
now covered with chills. We make our
way to his home to wait. The sheriff 
comes in to ask for his name. 
Asking us questions I do not know.
What was he wearing, or how far would he go? I know they are searching from up high and down low. Helicopters, search dog's and with people I don't know. As I sit at the house with family and wait.
A warm sense of calmness 
comes over me. I know that hes 
struggling, hurting, and sad, but he'd 
never go through with anything to hurt us that bad. We all race outside when the cops arrive, they ask us again what he looked like. They stopped and stared, That didn't Seem right. He started to talk. I saw his lips move. I think he talked of water or a lake, woods a knife and a horrific chase. All I remember is the next words he said... I dropped to the ground, I couldn't breath though I hear someone screaming, I'm sure that it's me. The sound that I made I still hear to
this day. The sound of me dieing and 
loathing in pain. I spent the whole night alone in his bed. On that November night
I learned my brother was dead.

RIP My Sweet Brother Austin

~Amanda Collins