

My Mind🥺
There is something to say,
Is it okay to be okay?
Sorry I just asked,
I'm out off my mind now.
My thoughts oh sorry my anxiety,
is roaming around my mind tightly.
The past, the present, the future,
all seems to be a delusion.
My hardwork isn't going to pay off,
the results are near making my trembling switch on.
I knew it wasn't my best,
But society isn't gonna accept me in that way.
I need to be best,
For everyone's accepatnce.
It's isn't easy to go through this,
that's why I wrote my mind here it.
Friends are just the demotivation Im feeling now,
Always asking what do you think about results and carry on.
No one asks how you feel or are you alright right now,
it's just my parents saying not to take tension,
but my mind don't want to listen them.
It just say you have lost,
you haven't made them proud.

Ahh...certain relief after writing.
Thank you for reading.
Red hearts...to you guys..

© itschitbox