

When things don't work out...
At night I don't ever just sleep
because my worries are gaining on me.
I lay down and just look through the night
It's like I've lost the fight.
Suddenly tears row down my eyes
My heart is heavy sometimes that I can't even cry.
You ask if things are fine
But everything about me is broken,
I just look down and sigh.
I feel exhausted and sad
I keep asking myself “Why?”
Nothing goes right for me
Right now I'm working hard but I still look skinny.
Am I doing it right?
I can't say; it's up to you to decide.

“Maybe things don't go out as planned”

So if you can relate
Guess what?
I've been in the same state.
Many of us are in the same state right now.
Overall is that I can't guarantee that your hopes will be resolved
Because mine is neither half-way solved.
What gives me peace right now
Is in knowing that Jehovah knows what's best for me!
I just have to pray for peace( in situations that are out of my control)
And give Jehovah something to bless( at least).

*Proverbs 3:5

© Nancy Nzebuka