

sun-kissed fields,
flowers of every colour,
dull compared to you.
the warm glow bursting across
your smile, your gleaming
rows of teeth,
highlighting your nose.

i squint my eyes
and form a rainbow light flare
in my vision,
nestled on your head
like the sun herself in her throne,
like a halo,
crowning your hair,
golden brown under the light.
it wavers,
falling onto your forehead,
which i hold close to mine
as you lay a kiss on it.

fuck you
for being so beautiful
and fuck me
for falling so hard.


your voice is dripping honey
sticking to my mind,

your laughter is clear flowing water,
rushing through the creeks,

soft eyes, soft skin, soft touch
of your delicate fingers
brushing against mine,
interlacing with them.

i hold your cheek
like i will our newborn baby
whose future i see
in your gaze
at the mountains behind
white tips melting with the sun
the way our lips' peeling skin
melts together.
heat enough to bind us forever,
to thaw snowflakes falling
into our mouths,
mine gaped wide open
at your immaculate beauty.
snow so bright amongst roaring hills,
sweet perfume hitting
the back of my tongue,
gliding gently over yours.
there is unfound beauty
in the glory of blooming crocus,
bringing pollen,
no, pixie dust
that you're made out of
into the air.

i take a deep breath.
i can't waste any of this.
i need to take in every second
with you,
of you,
but i can't always.

so i sit here,
on gingham sheets on meadow grass
in a frilly dress stained with grapes,
your face in the crevice of my neck
as you kiss my jaw
and i lean my head on yours,
all with undertones of sadness,
of bittersweet music boxes

starting to whine and creek.

i never
want to live
without you
and i'll always
want to live
in this moment.

Quite simply,
I love you.

© lilac_of_hope