

Let yourself Rest
In the cacophony of life’s relentless race,
When the world spins madly and quickens its pace,
If you’re weary, my dear, let your spirit take flight,
In the tender embrace of the softest twilight.

If your heart feels heavy, and your thoughts start to fade,
If the spark of creation feels dulled or delayed,
Don’t force the new dawn when shadows still cling—
Instead, find solace in what yesterday brings.

For there’s beauty in stillness, a grace to be found,
In the rustle of leaves or the hush all around.
Let your mind wander through memories’ glow,
In familiar corners where time moves slow.

If words feel like mountains too steep to ascend,
And your voice is a whisper that struggles to blend,
Stay silent for now; let the quiet unfold—
There’s wisdom in whispers that cannot be told.

When news floods your senses like waves on a shore,
And the weight of the world feels too heavy to bore,
Turn off that loud chatter; let peace come inside—
Find refuge in moments where calmness can bide.

If tomorrow seems distant and tasks seem a chore,
Postpone them with kindness; don’t add to your sore.
Embrace this sweet pause as a gift from above—
A chance to reconnect with yourself and with love.

To do nothing at all is a sacred decree;
It’s not wasted time; it’s just being free.
Feel the fullness of emptiness cradle your soul,
As you sink into softness and finally feel whole.

The vastness of silence can echo so clear,
It reveals all the dreams that you hold ever near.
In those unproductive moments—how alive you can be!
For rest is not weakness; it’s strength coming free.

So breathe in the stillness; let go of the fight—
You are enough in this moment; you shine like a light.
Your worth isn’t measured by actions or plans—
But simply by being—a truth that expands.

Let yourself rest in this beautiful space,
Where time slows its ticking and wraps you in grace.
For you are a marvel just being alive—
In the heart of stillness, we truly thrive.

© etechnocrats