

Heavy tongues (Chapter 1)
heavy tongues hardly speakes
only a light tongue speaks heavily
heavy tongues hardly talks a dozen

Heavy tongues turns taciturn
to speak at his turn
heavy tongues hates to speak
in a round table of talk
he loves to sneak

Heavy tongues is bad at talking good
sputtering as he says l-l-ife is g-o-o-d

he talks,they taunt and make him a clown
without a reward of a clown

I saw shortly before I was conceived,at midnight
The stuttering gene of my gem dad,colluding with fate
To give me heavy tongue .No life in me to avert this
no faith

My mum played with my dad
And played second fiddle
Her gene was recessive
So she was aggressive
To see her penultimate child
talking like his father

chapter 2 coming up

Stay focused lovely and online
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