

unspoken regrets
I wish I didn't let you go that day,
I wish I talked to you a little more,
Shared whispers in the fading light,
Explored what we had, to the core.

I wish I'd paused to breathe beside you,
Let worries slip and simply be,
To hold you close in those quiet moments,
A refuge from reality.

I wish I hadn’t let my troubles
Tangle us in webs of strife,
Spent more time creating joy,
Gifting you a brighter life.

Then maybe I wouldn't blame myself,
For the loss that’s now so clear,
I wouldn't hurt with this deep regret,
Or feel this endless fear.

I wish I'd held on just a little longer,
Kept my burdens to my chest,
Maybe then you'd have stayed,
Finding peace, finding rest.

I wish I hadn’t told you my sorrows,
Didn't let them cloud your days,
Given you only the sunlit hours,
Love in all its gentle ways.

I wish I'd given you happy memories,
Moments wrapped in gold,
Then perhaps you would have stayed,
In my heart, in my hold.

But now I sit with these endless wishes,
A past I can't undo,
And all I can hope is in your heart,
There's some peace that sees us through.
© _areesha