


In a bustling hall, excitement fills the air,
At the exam fair, we gather to prepare.
Books and notes, pencils and pens,
Ready to conquer, the journey begins.

Booths and stalls, a colorful sight,
Resources galore, shining so bright.
From math to science, history to art,
Knowledge awaits, ready to impart.

Teachers and tutors, with smiles so wide,
Guiding us through, with knowledge as their guide.
Tips and tricks, they eagerly share,
Boosting our confidence, removing every scare.

Mock exams and practice tests,
Preparing us for the ultimate quests.
We study hard, with determination and might,
Knowing success is just within our sight.

But amidst the hustle, let's not forget,
To take a break, have fun, and reset.
Friends by our side, laughter in the air,
Supporting each other, showing we care.

So let's embrace the exam fair's charm,
With enthusiasm and a little alarm.
For in this journey, we'll grow and learn,
And come out shining, with success we'll earn.