

The Pain of Being Me
I'm sad because I'm not like them,
The norm that they expect to see.
I'm different, unique, and not the same,
And it's a struggle just to be me.

My parents are disappointed in me,
Because I'm a lesbian, not a boy.
They wish that I was just like them,
And that my feelings for girls weren't just a joy.

Sometimes I just wish I was a boy,
So that I wouldn't have to hide.
So that I wouldn't have to feel the pain,
Of not being accepted, of not being able to confide.

But then I realize that being a boy,
Wouldn't solve all of my pain.
I'd still be different, still be unique,
And still be judged by society's disdain.

So I embrace who I am,
And I love myself just the way I am.
I know that I am not alone,
And that there's a community to hold my hand.

So I stand tall, with pride in my heart,
And I know that I am enough.
I am a lesbian, and that's okay,
And I am worthy of love.

© SP