

after that ride
no harm in going for a little ride right? in the dark of the night. twisting and churning. describes both my mind and the bending road. tongues moving creating words. words spoken leaving my mind a bit broken . got to try to stay strong and so that is what I had done till the bending roads reversed back to my home. upon arrival my phone . had blown everything in a proportion because it was malfunctioning at a outrageous rate
. questions questions. no answer I tried to go to sleep I just couldn't do it I was very timid. so there I was in the living room. hearing the sound of the rain literally pouring like never before. a sound I usually love somehow someway turned into a sound that would make me uncomfortable whenever I would hear it within, the future after this. the phone rang. yes my phone and it kept disconnecting. and in the midst of all this. I fear they did not know the advantage they had over me because they were playing around maybe or maybe they did know how unstable I was getting moment to moment and I did eventually I just couldn't take it a second longer and I put on a rain jacket and try to just vacate . but of course it didn't work and every time I turned down the road it looked like someone was laughing with a big giant smile on their face and I mean a big smile. it threatened me in a way where the unknown really played an important role in all this because I was threatened by not knowing why everyone seemed to have all this knowing of what I have been going through even the cops and ambulance sped by and laughed do you know what that is to have happen if I didn't feel hated ever before I'd say I felt hated really bad there but it scared me because when you combine everything together it painted a picture a picture that I would not be happy in a picture that I had to escape or so I thought